ITM’s ‘A Date with Science’ -Behind and beyond AMR – clinical bacteriology in low-resource settings by Jan Jacobs
23/02 - 30/11/2023


  • 3pm – 4pm: Academic seminar in aula Janssens (and online)
  • 4pm – 5.30pm: Drink in Karibu

Speaker: Jan Jacobs

Behind and beyond AMR – clinical bacteriology in low-resource settings  

In 2019, antimicrobial resistance (AMR) killed 1.3 million people but we may not overlook that wild-type (“susceptible”) bacteria killed another 5 million people. Over the past 15 years, together with partners in low- and middle-income countries, we have been implementing blood culture systems in hospitals in low-resource settings. We learned a lot about tropical bacteria, such as invasive Salmonella and healthcare-associated Klebsiella (you will also hear what malaria and liquid soap have to do with them). Over recent years, the Unit of Tropical Bacteriology grew in competence and reached out to appropriate antibiotic use, healthcare-associated infections and One Health. Together with our partners in Benin we are presently starting up a the first microbiology culture media production facility in Africa. At ITM, we are currently assessing China-made blood culture automates for performance and tropical robustness. I will also discuss AMR education, advocacy, policy, and regulation. I promise to end in due time and offer a glimpse of outstanding issues and prospects. You are all warmly welcome!   

Register: Please register to attend in person or to follow online

Short Bio:

  • Demographics: born during the mid-20th century baby boom
  • Education: MD, medical microbiologist, PhD Streptococcus milleri, Hospital IPC
  • Professional track: medical microbiologist Maastricht University Hospital 1992-2004
  • Research line: field-adapted clinical bacteriology, case- and opportunity driven, operational  
  • Research dream: you may ask me after the seminar  
  • Service: WHO IVD prequalification, Essential in-vitro Diagnostic List, EU EXPAMED
  • Hobby: model train (re-entry for grand-children), hands-on Volvo (till recently), photography

This seminar is a part of ITM’s ‘A Date with Science’: a series of academic seminars that take place every last Thursday of the month, live in Antwerp followed by a drink and online.