January 19, 2 – 3:30 pm
Register via Zoom
The start of immunisation campaigns in a number of countries has put this topic on the public and political agenda once more. Unfortunately, the prevailing approach is characterised by deep international inequalities in terms of access and a lack of public control over the end products, despite enormous public investments in the development of the vaccines.
This session is set up in cooperation with the European Citizens’ Initiative Right2Cure so that the organisations that support or plan to support the initiative can join our session as well. Julie Steendam, who presided over our working group before, will present the ECI Right2Cure as coordinator, Priyam and Prasanna from People’s Health Movement will focus on the international side of the discussion (eg. TRIPS Waiver Proposal, COVAX facility, …) and a third (to be confirmed) speaker will focus on the position of the European institutions.
The working group Determinants of International Health wants to create a space for civil society actors to exchange with these experts and to expand their knowledge about the development and distribution of Covid-19 vaccines. The session will be based on questions that people can send in by January 13 via the registration form. Please submit your questions and register via this link.
For more information, contact Jasper Thys from VivaSalud.