Socieux+ Webinar
26/06 - 30/11/2017


Socieux+, a joint initiative of the EU Commission, France, Spain and Belgium has recently been launched to extend technical assistance on social protection to developing countries. The Belgian Technical Cooperation – BTC and the Federal Public Service on Social Security ‘BELINCOSOC’ are core partners and experts within Socieux+. Learn more about both Socieux+ and Belincosoc, via our Be-cause health webinar.

Key note speakers:
– Mr. Koen Vleminckx, Director Research & International Cooperation, FPS Social security, Belgian International Cooperation on Social Protection (BELINCOSOC)
– Mr. Stefaan Van Bastelaere, Senior Health Expert, Belgian Technical Cooperation Agency (BTC-CTB)

Main objectives of the webinar meeting:
– Introduce SOCIEUX EU expertise on Social Protection and its expansion into SOCIEUX+
– Present the Belgian partners FPS – BELINCOSOC and BTC-CTB’s role within SOCIEUX+
– Share experiences and respond to practical questions on how it works: how can Belgian actors (NGOs, universities, etc.) and partner organisations mobilise the expertise on social protection, labour and employment?

The webinar includes short presentations and is mainly be set up as an open forum to ask questions and share experiences.