What do we do
What do we want?
The main objective is a more effective Belgian contribution to global health policies and to the international policy debate based on the right to health and healthcare for all.
How do we do this?
Through mutual agreement, coordination, and activities that go beyond organisations.
Who do we involve?
Be-cause health wants to build bridges between the academic world, NGOs, authorities and stakeholders in the field.

Which results do we want to achieve?
A greater influence on global health policy.
A better exchange and circulation of scientific and technical knowledge.
Major progress in the field of complementarity, synergism and cooperation.
Innovative solutions to real problems beyond the walls of sectors, regions, dogmas and political beliefs.
Click here for our active working groups. Being a member of one of these working groups is the most important advantage of being a member of our network; they give you the opportunity to exchange and capitalize our common expertise and capacities.