Health Systems Research 2018

The Fifth Global Symposium on Health Systems Research (HSR2018) will take place in Liverpool, UK from 8 to 12 October, 2018, bringing together approximately 2,000 health systems researchers, policymakers and practitioners from around the world.
HSR2018 just launched a call for abstracts, referring to the Symposium theme “Advancing Health Systems for All in the Sustainable Development Goal Era” and to the four sub-themes:
- The SDGs as a stimulus for renewed multisectoral action
- Polemic and pragmatism: engaging the private sector in moving towards universal health coverage
- Leaving no one behind: health systems that deliver for all
- Community health systems – where community needs are located, but often the invisible level of health systems
The deadline for individual abstracts is 5 March 2018.
Organized session proposals can be proposed until 15 January 2018.
Keep us updated via when you plan to attend and please share your ideas with regards to a joint activity as Be-cause health as working group and/or as platform.