Sign the civil society call to the EU and its member states to prioritise health equity and justice

This CSO Call to Action was written as a joint effort by civil society organisations working on Belgian, European and international level ahead of the European Union (EU) Expert event ‘Towards Health Equity: Strong Health Systems, Universal Health Coverage and Social Participation’, organized by the Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Development Cooperation, Enabel and Be-cause health, on April 23 in Mechelen.
The call will be on the agenda of the EU Foreign Affairs Council taking place on May 7 in Brussels.
The call to action asks for:
- Ensure that a rights- and needs-based approach is promoted in the implementation of the EU Global Health Strategy
- Protect the right to health for all
- More inclusiveness in global health governance
- Health in all policies and all policies in health
An extended version of the call to action can be accessed here. Please sign the call.
This call has been signed by:
- Marco Albonico, Federation of European Societies for Tropical Medicine (FESTMIH)
- Alessandra Aresu, Handicap International / Humanity & Inclusion
- Pascale Barnich, Action Damien – Damiaanactie
- Hellem Bodaya, FIDA – Fédération Internationale de la Diaspora Afar
- Stefaan Bonte, Artsen zonder Vakantie – Médecins sans Vacances
- Hilde Buttiëns, Memisa
- Marie Chesnay
- Alain Coheur, Solidaris
- Christian Darras
- Ketaki Das, West Bengal Voluntary Health Association, India
- Xavier De Bethune
- Vergil de Claro, Evidence for Health, Philippines
- Gilles de Wildt
- Kristof Decoster, Institute of Tropical Medicine
- Therèse Delvaux, Institute of Tropical Medicine
- Martinus Desmet
- Valérie Docher, Relief International France
- Emma Donley
- Anne-Mie Engelen
- Félix Fuentenebro Fernández, Medicus Mundi Spain
- Marlon Garcia, Institute of Tropical Medicine
- Barend Gerretsen, Equation Health
- Luc Geysels
- Alexandra Guillot, Artsen zonder Vakantie – Médecins sans Vacances
- Brecht Gyselinck
- Karel Gyselinck
- Lisa Gulbransson, Health(e)Foundation
- Ini Huijts
- Rebecca Kahler
- Peninah Nafula Khisa, PHM – Kenya
- Joseph Kwashie, Community and Family Aid Foundation – Ghana
- Aline Labat, ULB
- Margherita Leone, Save the Children
- Goedele Louwagie
- Lut Lynen, Institute of Tropical Medicine
- Luc Van Gorp, Christelijke Mutualitieit – Mutualités chrétiennes
- Ruth Mabry, Framework Convention on Global Health Alliance
- Adrien Maniraguha Rhulole, Union dans l’Action pour le Développement
- Marie Meudec, Institute of Tropical Medicine
- Phidias Mufan, SAPI
- Elvis Ng’andwe, Africa-Europe Faith and Justice Network (AEFJN)
- Marianne Nguena Kana, GAMS
- Jacques Niyonkuru, Médecins sans Vacances
- Richard Obedi, The Populace Foundation International (TPFI)
- Davide Olchini, Médecins du Monde – Dokters van de Wereld
- Amandine Oleffe, École de Santé Publique – ULB
- Nimer Ortuno-Gutierrez – Damien Foundation
- Claudia Ortiz Rico, Universidad de Santander, Colombia
- Nadine Pakker, Health[e]Foundation
- Stefania Paracchini, Médecins du Monde – Dokters van de Wereld
- Angel Parres-Albert, Artsen zonder Vakantie – Médecins sans Vacances
- Mette Petersen, Red Cross EU Office
- Fanny Polet, Viva Salud
- Patrick Rached, ULB
- Bram Riems, Institute of Tropical Medicine
- Ignace Ronse
- Nele Roppe
- François Sarramagnan
- Fedde Scheele, Care4everyBody
- Sophie Schneitler, Federation of European Societies for Tropical Medicine (FESTMIH)
- Magalie Schotte, Be-cause health & Institute of Tropical Medicine
- Labila Sumayah Musoke, Initiative for Social & Economic Rights and Medicus Mundi International
- Marie Tempesta, International Planned Parenthood Federation
- Sandy Tubeuf
- Elies Van Belle, Memisa
- Eline van de Kamp, Health[e]Foundation
- Cecile van de Konijnenburg
- Willem van de Put, Institute of Tropical Medicine
- Joost van der Meer, Working group GEO/Netherlands Society for Global Health
- Stéphane Van Haute
- Dominique Vandekerchove
- Felix Vanderstricht, ULB-Coopération
- Jef Vanhamel, Institute of Tropical Medicine
- Elisa Vanlerberghe, Fracarita Belgium
- Bart Verstraeten, WSM
- Ed Vreeke, QUAMED
The following organisations have joined this Call to Action: