eHealth Academy
18/06 - 30/11/2021

Topic: Determinants for success and failure in innovation: the 2016-2019 experience in eHealth in a multicountry project

18/6/2021, 12 – 13h

On the agenda: a presentation by Charlot Diepvens, intern since February 2021 at Enabel, in the unit of Global Health, Social Protection and Human Rights on successes and failures of eHealth, a retro-introspection (10-15 minutes) + 25 minutes Q&A.

Abstract: Since 2016, the Belgian Development Agency works on eHealth solutions, in Burundi, Rwanda, DRC, Niger, Benin, Senegal, Peru and Uganda.

eHealth is a rapidly evolving domain in health. Flexible, customized and user-centered solutions are needed. In this rapidly changing landscape, the search for solutions in an agile and rapid way in key. The Belgian Development Agency herefor decided to sign a framework contract after public procurement, in order to be able to mobilize the needed expertise and solutions in due time.

Two years after the end of the first framework contract, Charlot made for us an ex-post analysis on success and failures and the derminants.

Presentation: Charlot, Intern at Enabel at the GHSPHR unit, will present the role and approach of Enabel and its partners in this innovation journey, and the analysis of over 50 projects in eHealth, run between 2016 and 2019.