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Be-cause health matters
Be-cause health matters n°15: Report on the 2021 International Conference on Climate Justice and Health Equity
Be-cause health matters n° 14: Report on the 2021 Conference Mental health voices from Africa. Experiences and lessons learned
Be-cause health matters n° 12: Agir ensemble afin de renforcer le droit à la santé dans la RDC – Compte rendu du Séminaire sur la santé en RDC et de la table ronde sur la Couverture Sanitaire Universelle en RDC, Dec. 2019Download
Be-cause health matters n°11: Be-cause health matters – Reflections on 10 years of Be-cause health, Nov. 2015Download
Be-cause health matters n° 10 – long version: Putting People at the Heart of Development. Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in the post-2015 era. Seminar Be-cause health, 28 November 2014Download
Be-cause health matters n° 10 – short version: Putting People at the Heart of Development. Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in the post-2015 era. Seminar Be-cause health, 28 November 2014Download
Be-cause health matters n°9: Health-y answers to comple#ity: Are we able
to move beyond the control panel? Seminar 2013 – organized by Be-cause health & MMI – 28 November 2013Download
to move beyond the control panel? Seminar 2013 – organized by Be-cause health & MMI – 28 November 2013Download
Be-cause health matters n°8: Renewing health districts for advancing universal health coverage in Africa. Regional conference on health districts in Africa – Dakar, 21-23 October 2013Download
Be-cause health matters n°7: Financement et qualité des services et soins de santé : renforçons ensemble le système de santé en RDC. Atelier de capitalisation et échange d’expériences des acteurs du secteur de la santé – Kinshasa – Octobre 2012Download
Be-cause health matters n°5: Workshop on the Charter on the recruitment and support to the development of human resources for health in partner countries – June 2012Download
Be-cause health matters n°4: Will our generation close the gap?
Comprehensive and innovative strategies to address social determinants of health- December 2011Download
Comprehensive and innovative strategies to address social determinants of health- December 2011Download
Be-cause health matters n°1: Joint Colloquium ITM – Be-cause health seminar 2010 “Towards Universal Health Coverage in developing countries”Download