Join us for ECTMIH 2019 !
The 11th European Congress on Tropical Medicine and International Health (ECTMIH) will be held in Liverpool, UK, from 16 to 20 September 2019.
- ECTMIH brings together over 1500 scientists and experts from across the world. Under the theme of “25 years: investigation, innovation and implementation”, ECTMIH 2019 will be a platform for showcasing and discussing research and progress in tropical medicine and global health in the twenty-first century.
- It will include NTDs, malaria, HIV, TB and non-communicable diseases. Experts will look at prevention and treatment/patient care, in the context of underlying health systems and impactful external factors.
- ECTMIH 2019 will be an excellent occasion for early career researchers, community and allied health workers and implementers to develop their knowledge and networks.
The call for abstract submissions and early bird registrations are now closed but you can still register at https://www.ectmih2019.org/register. Consult the draft programme. For the themes: see below.
Why are you working in global health? – FESTMIH Call for videos for young researchers
The Federation of Societies for Tropical Medicine and International Health (FESTMIH) turns 25 years this year and we want to celebrate this. The ECTMIH Congress in Liverpool (16 – 20 September 2019) is an excellent platform to look back at a quarter of a century in tropical medicine and global health. But, we will not only look back. We are interested to show the relevance of the field of TM and GH in the world of today. And who can do this better than you, the young scientists, researchers and professionals of today. Are you younger than 35 and devoted to global health and tropical medicine? Then, this is your opportunity to share your passion for your work and make your message global! Read more.
Be-cause health will have a booth in the congress hall where information will be distributed and which can serve as meeting point for Belgian participants. The booth will be in the same area as the booths of ITM and Enabel.
We will distribute the following brochure (Pdf) with the Belgian (Be-cause health) sessions at ECTMIH.
You are invited to a social event for ITM alumni and friends in cooperation with Be-cause health on 19 September from 6 until 9 pm.
- Invitation and Programme
- Register online (deadline: 9 September)
Overarching theme – 25 years: investigation, innovation and implementation
Track 1: prevention
- Innovations in biomedical sciences for new disease prevention strategies
- New product development for disease prevention
- Innovation in implementation of disease prevention for elimination or sustainable control
Track 2: treatment/patient care
- Management of common diseases in remote areas
- Emerging diseases
- Primary health care and minimal curative care
- Specific disease areas including malaria, TB and HIV
- NTDs and NCDs including diabetes, hypertension
- Community diagnosis and care for all disease areas
- Diseases in travellers and migrants
Track 3: One Health and young researchers
- One Health half-track
- The remaining time will be devoted to young researchers
Track 4: health systems
- Health and policy system development
- Changing health population profiles including resilience to outbreaks, refugees and internally displaced persons,
- Innovations in funding including health insurance, models for health systems in-country, internal and external funding, problems of catastrophic health expenditure
Track 5: age-related healthcare
- Maternal and child health
- Adolescent health
- Elderly and end of life care
Track 6: external factors influencing future health
- Climate change
- The built environment
- Economic factors incorporating health economics
- Populations dynamics incorporating population movement and population growth
- Health and the digital world incorporating data and artificial intelligence