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Celebrating International Women’s Day, this ITM alumni webinar puts in the spotlight the research conducted by ITM alumna Dr Elizabeth Tabitha Abbew and her journey as a woman in science.
Tabitha is a specialist in internal medicine at Cape Coast Teaching Hospital, Ghana. In August 2021, she graduated from the novel ITM Master of Science in Tropical Medicine (MTM), clinical sciences orientation with a J & J fellowship, and was elected as ITM alumni representative to the General Council for the term 2022-2026. In January 2022, she started her PhD on “Nontuberculous mycobacteria pulmonary disease and tuberculosis-nontuberculous mycobacteria co-infection: Epidemiology, diagnosis, and management at a tertiary health facility in Ghana”, with the fellowship support of the Directorate-general Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid (DGD).
In this webinar, Tabitha will talk about her recently initiated PhD and her pathway as a women scientist. She will present a preliminary results analysis of data collected during the first phase of her PhD. These preliminary findings will be the starting point for a topical exchange and discussion tackling questions related to both the content of her PhD research and to the challenges she has been facing as a woman early-stage researcher along the way.
The Q&A-session will be moderated by Lut Lynen, ITM supervisor of Tabitha’s PhD, & Ann Verlinden, chairperson of the ITM Working Group on Gender and Diversity.
- Elizabeth Tabitha Abbew, Specialist in internal medicine @Cape Coast Teaching Hospital, Ghana
- Lut Lynen, Scientific director of ITM DRC office & head of HIV-TB unit, CSD, ITM, Antwerp
- Ann Verlinden, Head Research Office, ITM, Antwerp
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