Round table on Universal Health Coverage in fragile contexts
12/12 - 30/11/2017

Venue: DG Development Cooperation (DGD), Belgian FPS Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade & Development Cooperation, Rue des Petits Carmes – Karmelietenstraat 15, 1000 Brussels

Time: 10h00 am – 12h30 / a lunch is provided at 13h00

Learn more about the latest research findings on Universal Health Coverage – UHC in fragile settings and engage policy-makers in a panel discussion.

The panel will look at the development of WHO guidance for a tailor-made approach to coordination and Health Systems Strengthening (HSS), developed by the Institute of Tropical Medicine and based on the guiding review question: “What does the existing (…) evidence tell us about what works (and does not work), how and why in health systems strengthening and actor coordination in countries with fragile or challenging operational environments?”

In addition, the panel will look at Guidance on fragility, developed by the Academic research organisation for policy support ACROPOLIS “Aid effectiveness in fragile contexts”.


Reference documents:

Panelists on the programme: 

  • Sara Van Belle, Willem van de Put, ITM, senior researchers, lead of literature review on UHC for WHO,
  • Jessica Martini, ULB Ecole de Santé Publique, senior researcher, part of ACROPOLIS / Governance4Development research team
  • Koen Van Acoleyen, Belgian Directorate General Development Cooperation, D5.2 “Transitional Development and Governance Unit
  • Ignace Ronse, Senior Public Health Expert, Belgian Directorate General Development Cooperation.

Moderator:  Tim Roosen, Be-cause health platform coordinator

Registration is closed!


The seminar is held in English only.  A lunch is provided at 13h.