Jaarseminarie 2014 – Putting People at the Heart of Development. Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in the post-2015 era
28/11 - 30/11/2014




1) Advancing the right to sexual and reproductive health

2) Strengthening health systems, integrating SRHR

3) SRHR needs of adolescents and young people

4) A multi-sectoral approach: SRHR beyond the health sector

5) Fostering gender equality, improving SRHR

6) SRHR, population dynamics and sustainable development

Final session

  • Recommendations by Thérèse Delvaux, Unit of Maternal and Reproductive Health, ITM, Belgium
  • Closing speech by Alexander De Croo, Belgian Minister for Development Cooperation

Other background documents



With the support of the Belgian Development Cooperation, BTC – Belgian Development Agency, Vlaanderen Internationaal, Institute of Tropical Medicine