General Assembly, Workshop on Mental Health and Anniversary Party
October 10th, 2024, 9:30am – 7pm
ITM, Campus Rochus, Aula Janssens, Sint-Rochusstraat 43, Antwerp & online
ITM Karibu, Sint-Rochusstraat 36, Antwerp
Join us on October 10th, World Mental Health Day, to celebrate Be-cause health’s 20th anniversary!
9:30 am: Welcome coffee, Aula Janssens
The doors will be open from 9:30 until 10 am.
👉 After 10 am, we kindly request you to call at the door and present yourself at our Student Support Service. So thank you to arrive on time.
- Welcome by Lut Lynen, Director ITM
- Keynote speech by Frank Vandenbroucke, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Social Affairs and Public Health, in charge of Development Cooperation and of the Major Cities Policy
10 am – 1 pm: Annual General Assembly (G.A.) – statutory part
Chair: Stefaan Van Bastelaere, Senior Health Expert at Enabel & chair of our Steering Committee
- Welcome and Introduction by the chair (including approval of the minutes of the G.A. 2023 👉 see annex)
- Annual Report and Expenses 2023 (closure) 👉 see annex – annual report 2023
- Overview Activities and Budget 2024
- Short glance at 2025
- Follow-up temporary taskforces: gender, decolonisation, synergy and communication
- Renewal membership (individual members and organisations – including ethical screening procedure)
- Election new member Steering Committee: Belén Tarrafeta
- Election new member organisations 👉 see annex – motivation letters Child-Help, DSW, FMG, Pallia Familli, Sciensano
- Any Other Business
1 – 2 pm: Lunch break, Karibu
2 – 4 pm: Interactive Workshop on Mental Health: A Holistic Approach to Integrating Well-being in all Be-cause health Working Groups
In honour of World Mental Health Day, this workshop aims to highlight the critical role of mental health in all areas of global health. Through interactive group discussions, members from the different working groups, will explore the impact of mental health in various contexts, including primary care, palliative care, gender-based violence care, and migrant healthcare. Participants will examine real-life cases to get inspired and see the transversal importance of mental well-being for the different working group activities and for participants’ day-to-day professional work.
Guest speakers
- Abdoulaye Sow, Director, Fraternité Médicale Guinée
- Alain Kabemba, General Secretary, Pallia Familli
- Jannelore Derycke, Mental Health Focal Point, MĂ©decins du Monde – Dokters van de Wereld Belgium
- An Verelst, Psycho-Social Manager, FPS Health
- Achour Ait Mohand, Psychiatrist, Enabel
4 – 7 pm: Reception and networking event, Karibu
The opportunity to meet current and former members and friends! With a not to be missed performance of the ITM choir and some birthday speeches of key members and friends.
- Heidy Rombouts, Director General DGD
- Stefaan Van Bastelaere, Senior Health Expert at Enabel & chair of the Steering Committee
- Dirk Van der Roost, first Be-cause health coordinator, and one of the networks’ founders
- Abdoulaye Sow, director Fraternité Médicale Guinée, and Alain Kabemba, General Secretary, PalliaFamilli, DRC, hopefully both “brand new” member organisations.