Universal Health Coverage – UHC is a critical component of the Sustainable Development Goals – SDGs which include a specific health goal: “Ensure healthy lives and promote well being for all at all ages”. Be-cause health shares new insights, field experiences and research findings of Belgian stakeholders to assess gaps that exist between UHC efforts and right to health efforts and exchange best practices and a way forward towards a people driven, pro-poor effort to provide health for all. Be-cause health remains open as a forum to share field experiences and research on the topic.
Within the Sustainable Development Goal for health, a specific target for UHC has been proposed. In this context, the opportunity exists to unite global health and the fight against poverty through action that is focused on clear goals. The underlying assumption is that efforts towards achieving UHC do promote some, but not necessarily all, of the efforts required from governments and other stakeholders for the realization of the right to health.

external links
- Fact Sheet: The Global Push for Universal Health Coverage
- Country Evidence: The Impact of Universal Health Coverage: Review of the Evidence
- Report "A Wake-Up Call":
- Lessons from Ebola for the World’s Health Systems
- Global Health 2035: A World Converging Within a Generation
40 years after Alma Ata. Primary Health Care in 2018 and beyond, in North and South
Seminar 23 October 2018, Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp
Panel 2 - Country cases:
- Thailand - Supattra Srivanichakorn
- Benin - Kéfilath Bello
- Guatemala - Guillermo Hegel
- Belgium - Roy Remmens
Groups and final debate:
- Group 1_PHC...and NCD and ageing_Lall & De Lepeleire
- Group 2_PHC...and human resources for health_J. Macq
- Group 3_PHC...and Disease specific programmes_M. Laga
- Group 4_PHC...and Emergencies_W. Van de Put
- Group 5_PHC... and Private healthcare providers
- Group 6_PHC... and Healthy Cities