BCH Conference 2019 – Taking The Urban Turn presentations Day 1 – 15/10 Presentation of Inés Sánchez de Madariaga, Professor of Urban Planning Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain: Cities, Planing, Health and Gender Presentation Kristiaan Borret, Master Architect of Brussels, Belgium Villa Nueva – Guillermo Hegel, Municipal Health Director, Villa Nueva, Guatemala City, Guatemala Day 2 – 16/10 Opening Session A journey to An Integrated Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases through Mass Campaign in the City ofKigali: preliminary results and lessons A proposed Model for the development of medicalized first line health services for the City of Kigali in Rwanda: striving for excellence Session A How to improve the design of Reproductive Health (RH) interventions to meet the health access needs of adolescents (15-19 years) living in urban poor settings of Kampala, Uganda Taking the Urban Turn Session B Fourniture des services de santé en milieu urbain état de la situation dans la ville de Gemena en RD Congo Urbanisation et services de santé : le cas des centres de santé médicalisés urbains (CSMU) de Goma, RDC Urbanisation et services de santé: le cas de CSMU de Goma (RDC) Parcours urbains de soins. Des pratiques aux modèles d’accompagnement des personnes avec des besoins complexes Session C La clinique mobile et soins de proximité, une action de lutte contre les inégalités liées a l’acces aux soins a Kintambo Communes sans viol et le pouvoir au peuple : projet pilote à Bukavu (RDC) Infirmiers de rue – Straatverplegers Inequity In Urban Settings: Priority Challenge And Strategies For Better Health Session D One health in cities – linking health and its determinants in urban environments Session E The Role Of District Health Management Teams In Urban Stewardship, In Lubumbashi, DR Congo Complex Urban Governance in New Delhi Slums The complexity of governance of health services in cities – The example of Ouagadougou Developing a Municipal Health Policy – Using the Urban Health Equity Assessment and Response Tool (Urban HEART) Session F Mothers At Risk – Innovating to improve urban maternal health Cities: the road to success in Ending the AIDS Epidemic Case study on Nairobi Improving Health and Nutrition Status of Urban Extreme Poor Cities: the road to success in Ending the AIDS Epidemic